Thursday, May 17, 2007

Organized effort

Now that we have a mix of people, El Junkez and PANTERROR have wanted to see more missions done for the benefit of the whole group. The difficulty so far has been getting enough people to commit to joining missions at set times.

I'd like to open Tuesday nights as a SG gathering night. We would meet in the base starting around 7pm eastern, where we would swap salvage, inspirations, recipes, and enhancements around to the people that need them the most. When we get enough people to start a meeting assembled, we then discuss business, which in our case is setting up missions thru the week and answering questions, promoting and recognizing good efforts, and anything else we need to cover.

After the meeting we organize into teams and help out other SG members with difficult or badge missions.

Once a month we can do a Grand Tour, which involves hitting all the exploration badge spots and history plaques scattered across the open zones.

Be there Tuesday, and spread the word. We will find out who really wants to be part of our SG and who is taking a ride with no effort.


Anonymous said...

This is Kat Striker/Gray Slayer:

I'll be on Tuesday night but probably not until about 10:30pm or so. After work. I have a lot to trade. See ya soon


Anonymous said...

As a "junior" member, I've got less to contribute other than a willingness to stand in front of you all and take the hits. I've had a couple of good runs with you guys, more than i can say for any of the other SG's, good or evil that I'm in.
I'll swing by tonite at 7 EDT

BTW, how do I become a "registered" toon?
-Lost Cabin Boy