Monday, December 18, 2006

It's disappointing

I'll put it bluntly- some people may like the ESK, but almost no one is putting any effort in.

NO one- and i mean NO one- is showing up for any scheduled missions. Half the players aren't even in SG mode. They don't use the base, or they do but never leave inspirations, enhancements, or salvage; and they never come on and say hello to anyone, let alone offer to team up.

I've started removing the dead weight from the rolls. Many people were invited in by jay, and precious few know any of the rest of us. Unless something changes, they have no ties to us whatsoever.

We made it into the top 100 supergroups, but after peaking at 93 we're slipping- 99 as of today. At the present rate, we will have to begin dismantling the base in about 3 months.

If you have read this far, they you know that I intend to do something about this. I plan to ask people from our coailtion to put an alt into the ESK and play it a for a minimum amount of time; and I will do the same- or someone else from the ESK.

Schulls and Sex Machine have the people to do it, and we're in coalition already. Single-group loyalty is not rewarded in the CoV system, so we gotta roll with the changes.

Ok, time to start culling the herd.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we got some good active toons in sg things are starting to look better GO KNIGHTS!!!!