Thursday, September 27, 2007

Looking for a Movie Star

I need players in the coalition who can use emotes well and follow direction to recreate specific scenes in City of Villains; to be filmed as a cinema.

I also need scriptwriters, camerapeople, and voice actors.

I'm going to put the movie together and arrange for it to be published. I'm looking for input on all this, and my toons will be funding the effort in-game (costumes for bit parts, etc...)

I'm writing the script now, but there are sections that I need from each coal member about the fights we pick to recreate. Your individual part will be as big as the time you put into this; I want to start the video now and go for a Halloween release.

Here's a few more pics from my screenshot collection of my creations:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is a great idea, Doug. Count me in and fire up the film!

Wait, does anybody even USE film anymore? Well then, just fire up.