Thursday, September 27, 2007

Looking for a Movie Star

I need players in the coalition who can use emotes well and follow direction to recreate specific scenes in City of Villains; to be filmed as a cinema.

I also need scriptwriters, camerapeople, and voice actors.

I'm going to put the movie together and arrange for it to be published. I'm looking for input on all this, and my toons will be funding the effort in-game (costumes for bit parts, etc...)

I'm writing the script now, but there are sections that I need from each coal member about the fights we pick to recreate. Your individual part will be as big as the time you put into this; I want to start the video now and go for a Halloween release.

Here's a few more pics from my screenshot collection of my creations:

Friday, September 14, 2007

Coalition meeting time, pics, other goodies

I'm posting this on Friday; I need to ask all of you to indicate a time where you can commit to being online to meet about the coalition. I can be at multiple meetings; so let's not worry about getting everyone together at once- especially since you have this forum to use.

At the bottom of this article is a line marked "add comment." Click it and it will take you to a form.

Type your say in the box, then on the last line put your toon signature so we know who wrote it, then click the anonymous box. Submit your post; it will be approved by me first to keep out spam and attacks (like have happened before.)

I have a couple new pics of coalition toons to post; here they are:

Knights Dreamer
Tears of a Clown

Volcanic and Tears


And what youve been waiting for; my picture:

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Time to post on...

I get disappointed by the lack of posters on this blog; and when I get anonymous negative comments it's disheartening. Still, we have a need for information storage outside the game; and this is the best place for me to share stuff with you.

Right now, our coalition includes our SG, the Evil Shadow Knights, and these SGs: Inherent Chaos, Masterminds, Darkblood, Vanguard of Elemental Evil, and the Overlords of Pain. Also in coalition but not fully integrated are Rogue Island Black Ops and HAZTEAM. We need to have leaders of the respective SGs get together and work out a common ground.

A partial list of the things we can do are: teaming and task forces on a regualr basis for coalition members; meetings where exceptional players are recognized and rewarded; building and sharing IOs to all coal members who need them; PvP and server events, etc...

I'd like to see a vote for a time we can meet, it should be soon so that we can get this moving and make it worth the time put in for all.

Teamspeak: HAZTEAM has provided channels for us to use. The instructions and terms of use are on the HAZTEAM site or at