Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Evil Shadow Knights live on!

Regardless of my insanity, the supergroup is doing fine. I have to thanks several people for helping out and giving their input to make everything better for all, and this is not the entire list, but I want to mention Gristlebone, Thug Passion, Fury of Darkness, Panterror, Kat Striker, Lotus Sin, Venomous Thorn, Nithia1, Super Arachnos and more (list includes all the alts.)

Here is the general idea of the coalition we would like to build: Each of the SGs handles its own recruitment and promotions, but people are encouraged to start alts in other groups of the coalition rather than having them all in one group. The coal's purpose is fulfilled if and when they ever bring back the base raiding and Items of Power. If one of the groups gets attacked, we get on the coalition channel and call everyone to that group for the defense- and also to organize raids. The second purpose is sharing the wealth, by making sure that everyone has the enhancements they need including IOs and sets. The third is that we should always have a chance for someone to find a team from all the SGs in the coalition; it's not mandatory but desired.

We need to have a meeting to organize this. A council of one leader from each SG has been suggested, and also a president/leader elected from the whole coalition, not just leaders. At the first meeting the main order of business is finding a name we can agree on.

Here are the Teamspeak instructions again, but for now the password is "passion"

Watch this:


Anonymous said...

the coalition is going great,we have several ideas of how it can be organized ion the future and put to use and here are a few of them.
I for one love this idea of a super coalition if you will,I believe it will give us a little more influence with the devs in terms of making improvements for SG's bases and other things.
I would love to see some kind of trading between sgs that are in a coalition together.
I also want some kind of changes made in the permissions we can give to base storage,for example,the base storage racks could be marked for the base Architecht and leaders only of an SG,where as the enhancements bins could be marked for members that have atleast one promotion,and then the inspir storage could be opened to all in sg.this would give the ranks within the SG a little more validity.
I also want to see a way of labeling things within the base,like the enhancement tables,racks,etc.
I am also of the mind that if i see it in the game,Why can't we have it for the base?I'm talking about items like bar stools and taps and any decorative thing I see in my travels thru this world of COV/Coh.
i'd love to see screen shots being available to post in base and also some kind of music choices for in the base.Oh,i would like another new thing ,I can store Recipes at BM but can't in base,seems like a base storage for recipes is in order.
These are some of the things we can take to the DEVS as a coalition and maybe get some of them done with more SGs involved thru our coalition.
The council is a tricky thing ,we need reps that will be able to be on at certain times for meetings of the SC(super coalition),i like the idea of a figure head or chairman/president but only so long as their isn't any VETO power.they are there to deligate things to sg reps for the good of the coalition and to carry out the will of the council. to be continued,have to go to work...............................................gristlebone

Anonymous said...

How to post and how to register for the one million infamy monthly contest:

Place your coments here, and sign them in the post with your main toon name. Choose the anonymous button below. Make sure you state "I am registering for the contest and membership in the Coalition."

-E. Norm

Anonymous said...

I definitely agree with all of the below. This would be the structure that we need to grow our coalition and sgs.
I'm glad that someone took the time out to post. Thats why we have the blog and hopefully more people will take a minute or so and publish their comments also.
Thanks for participating.

Anonymous said...

I definitely agree to the below comments. I feel that this is a great way to grow the coalition and the sgs.
I wish more people would take a minute or so and post on the blog cause that way we could get more ideas and suggestions, thats why its here.
Thanks for the participation and see ya in the game.

Anonymous said...

definitely agree makes us stronger..richer..bigger etc..and we are meeting alot of good i mean people..this is fury of darkness signing off and saying death to all of paragon..