Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Which Super are you?

I went to the following site and took a little quiz I found on the forums. Enjoy!

Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...

As you can see, I am Iron Man.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Organized effort

Now that we have a mix of people, El Junkez and PANTERROR have wanted to see more missions done for the benefit of the whole group. The difficulty so far has been getting enough people to commit to joining missions at set times.

I'd like to open Tuesday nights as a SG gathering night. We would meet in the base starting around 7pm eastern, where we would swap salvage, inspirations, recipes, and enhancements around to the people that need them the most. When we get enough people to start a meeting assembled, we then discuss business, which in our case is setting up missions thru the week and answering questions, promoting and recognizing good efforts, and anything else we need to cover.

After the meeting we organize into teams and help out other SG members with difficult or badge missions.

Once a month we can do a Grand Tour, which involves hitting all the exploration badge spots and history plaques scattered across the open zones.

Be there Tuesday, and spread the word. We will find out who really wants to be part of our SG and who is taking a ride with no effort.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Salvage and recipe swap

Stop by the base on Monday or Tuesday evening to drop off or exchange salvage with SG members. We're encouraging everyone to make a few items and trade parts to make sure people have the right salvage. Drop you regular salvage off in the bin I provided, in the front of the storage room, and I'll sort it out from there.

Exchanging recipes is a good practice too; if you dont know what to do with them any contact will buy them. Do not sell salvage to regular contacts, they pay too little for what we have.

I'm trying to get wings recipes; if you find one see me, we can make a lot of infamy from it and get more than one set eventually.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

I9 is out, and I can't enjoy it...

My cat, Max, passed away this morning from a respiratory system problem. He went before his time.

Max and I didn't get along well when he was a kitten: he was very willful and I was going through some rough phases with my medication. But over time we became friends, companions.

He would sit with me while I played the game, always on my right side. He would get my attention by running under my legs, especially when he wanted one of 2 things- to be fed or let out. Just keeping the food bowl filled wasn't good enough, I had to go to the bowl and pretend to fill it more so he would eat. He would even get me if one of the female cats wanted to eat.

He was a fierce protector to his queen and his daughter, he wouldn't put up with anyone messing with them. When Maggie was having her kittens she was screaming from the pain, and while my wife and i were trying to help her he attacked me from behind to "keep me away" because he thought I was hurting her.

I remember one afternoon he came up to me and made an unusual noise. I looked down and he had brought me a toy spider from one of my game sets. He was making a peace offering to me, and I praised him for it.

He loved it when I would scratch his back. He would always turn around and make as if to nip at me, but I could tell he really enjoyed it- he would come back for more, and when he really was getting into it he would make motions with his mouth like he was nursing. I had to give him some attention every day, and he brightened my days by being there for me no matter what.

I feel so cold and empty now. I can't eat or sleep; I can't enjoy anything. There never will be any pet that can replace Max, he was one of a kind. I will always miss him now.