Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Glitches suck

Our attempt at doing a base raid last night was a dismal failure; but we did learn all the things NOT to do:

do NOT forget to click "join" Before the raid starts;

do NOT forget to have all the base items in place for the raid;

do NOT take too much time in organizing the raid.

The Arena system was buggy as hell; it seemed like someone didn't want any effort between the groups to succeed. (This thought brought to you by the Evil Developer Paranoia network.)

But, we'll try again. I plan to try a small-scale attempt within the next few days to see if the bugs continue.

On a cooler note, congratulations on Kat Striker reaching level 50. That's 3, who's next?

Looks like we're on hod again until I9 releases.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Base raids, part deux

Ok, now that the people who didn't like the base raid setup have left, we can practice seriously.

First, we should meet in the base- in the first raid situation. everyone logs in and we talk over the ground rules, like mercy, being able to spawn and setup freely, and what signal stops the action.

Our friends at the Circle of Elemental Power want the practice just as much as we do; i'm sure we can work it out so that it doesn't become personal again.

Any questions about raids, or anything else, you can post here.

Monday, March 5, 2007

How to use this blog, and this week

It has occured to me that people are not posting because they have trouble making a Blogger account. This is not necessary to post here.

So what I'm asking is for everyone- Evil Shadow Knights members, coalition friends, or anyone else who wants to add a comment- to follow these simple steps and post. Unfortunately there is nowhere in-game that allows the SG leaders to post more than a line or 2 of important info; that's why this blog is necessary.

First, look at the top blog post. At the end you will find a link that says "add comment." This will take you to a comment page.

Type in your comment, as long as you would like within the software limits. Put your name at the end of the post- use the toon name we know you by or what you would like, just ID yourself. Just below are options for posting- choose "anonymous".

As you post your entries I will update the online roster.

In other news, Kat Striker is on her last few bars before 50 and would like your help in getting there. She is on from 8-11 weeknights and various times of the day on weekends. Send her a tell and help her out.

More Kudos to Fury and Panterror on recruiting. keep it up fellas!

Welcome our new Coalition member group, the Overlords of Pain. Force Ten and I are Rush fans, and I hope I didn't ruin his evening by telling him the big spoiler from Battlestar Galactica last night.

Thursday meeting: Costume contest and missions. 500,000 inf in prizes. BE THERE!