Sunday, January 14, 2007


Fury has been doing a fantastic job with the new people so far. I'm impressed not only with the quantity but the quality of the people. Everyone is making a positive contribution.

We still need to finish the first two Strike Forces, and it would help everyone if we set up the 24th level respec for everyone. When can we get together for this?

Say hi to me if you read this; I want to know if it's being read.

Our base medical staff:

Dr. Ventura, presiding medic
Kat Striker
El Junkez
Nuke Radiant, radiologist
Jack the Nailer


Anonymous said...

Pan,Loki and Purr is down for respec strike force just need
to know when so can plan for it

Anonymous said...

Hi. I am available whenever you set the date and time for the sg.
I agree that Fury is doing a terrific job with recruiting. Great work Fury!!!

Anonymous said...

The above is from Kat Striker, Gray Slayer, and Alondra.

FURY said...

whats up!!!thanks doug..thanks down for the sf..just let me know when it is...everyone keep up the good gonna keep searching for active toons 2 recruit..

Anonymous said...

walk of respec!!!

Anonymous said...

walk of respec!!!