Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Base raid practice

We are going to start practicing for base raids at least one evening a week. Please send an email to E.Normus, Dr. Ventura or post here in the comments for a time that you can be online.

(If you don't know how to post a comment, here's how: Click the comment link below the article, and you will be give tne comments already posted and a window to place your own. Sign your post comment with your toon name, then click the anonymous button before posting.)

In the case of a base raid, here is what you do: Get to the base ASAP. Open your Super window on the chat bar, and you will see a series of buttons at the bottom of the SG list window. Click the Raid button. If a raid is starting you will see a window with a JOIN button, make sure you click it. Then you check with the highest ranking toon/player at the base, who will tell you where to start and what to expect.

There are bugs in the system as it is; if you get DC'd or cannot enter the raid let someone know on the SG channel; we might be able to help you get in.

In the future there will be opportunities open for us to raid other bases. They need to complete the Cathedral of Pain trial to get an Item of Power; all we have to do is take it from them. Once we have an Item, it will give a buff to all memebers of the SG at all times. The individual buff varies; it might be additional damage, accuracy, endurance reduction, etc...

Once we have an IoP we are committed to allowing others to try to raid us. We get to choose a 2-hour raid window per week so that we dont get cleaned out at 5am. We absolutely need someone to commit to being in the base in that time period; as many as possible to hold off raids from both hero and villain SGs.

The other thing to wait for is more 50s and 40+ SG members. Keep up the missions; bring in the prestige and experience. Once you are ready we can go forward.

Other notes:

Please do not spam the SG chat channel with "invite me" or other things like endless repeats of your battle cry. It takes potentially important info off the screen and is annoying. Asking to team is one thing; please do it in a courteous manner.

Thanks to all who were online over the Double XP Weekend. We did very well for the SG; we couldn't have done it without everyone's help.

Costume Contest: We have an unofficial tradition that each toon makes one costume using medieval parts, or other classic warrior pieces. this costume is your official Knight costume, and when we do public events we can change to the costumes for team unity. Use the team colors, deep red and black, in any way that looks good.

An honorable mention goes out to El Junkez for hitting level 40 and for his efforts in running teams all weekend. Great job! Everyone who made levels over the last week, congratulations.


Anonymous said...

This is Kat. Great Double XP weekend everyone. Hope you all had fun. The base looks cool with the new pics and trophies that we have.
Good Job on everyone that leveled up over the weekend too. Keep moving up that ladder to get to lvl 50.
And if you need help on mishs, just ask, and if I am not in the middle of a mission, I'll help you out.

Anonymous said...

Hey Knights, this is Kat. I'll be on to run missions on Friday 2/9, after 4:30pm, est.
Lets get the sg together and do some teaming.
Saturday I'll be on most of the day and evening.
Hopefully, I'll see you tonight.

DMDoug said...

Dr. Ventura has a surprise for any SG member not in the leader circle who tells him the secret phrase:

"angels and demons in my head, lunatics and monsters underneath my bed"

bonus for the source of the lyrics


Anonymous said...


From Kat