Friday, June 29, 2007

Random thoughts, part XXXIX

First off, here is an easier-to-find link to Fury's video.

Here is a link to the Knights comic book.

What is it with all the bitchy people I've been seeing in- game lately? if you don't play exactly the way they think you shluld, they get all pissed off. No questins, no discussion, just a lame attempt to give orders. It's too bad we don't have a power that instantly takes you and the person in question to Warburg. A few beatings will whoe them the error of their ways, or the way to the revolving door.

I'm starting to accumulate wing and boots recipes; I'm going to give them away as rewards for stuffing obnoxious players in the figurative trash bin. You can guess who may be Number One on the list; but there are more that need a reminder that they pissed off the wrong people.

We can't make a player's life hell, by the TOS, but there is nothing about irritating a toon. We can deny them any reputation in a PVP zone, we can make it unpleasant to be anywhere else.

I don't know if anyone else will follow me, but I'll find people wo do and reward them. Think about it.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

I hope things have turned around

We have had more of an influx of new people, and the new coalition with Inherent Chaos should make it much easier to find teammates.

Should we continue to try task forces on Sunday nights? It worked for a short time; maybe we can make it a regular thing.

See you out there...

Monday, June 18, 2007

I know no one reads this, except...

..when someone thinks I'm going to write shit about them.

There is no organization here. No one will shoe up for a regular meeting time; even people I thought I could count on are unreliable.

I guess the structure of the game makes it this way; it seems that greedy assholes and misanthropes are the main players. The me first attitude is encouraged by the rules itself; if you try to help someone of lower level as a malefactor; for example; you lose big time if you need anything but debt relief. There is little encouragement for a team to work together; teams are just together by convenience. Planning ahead is useless, since there are no real long-term goals worth pursuing. Teaming in PvP is a waste when all the successful ones run solo.

So we have a base. So what? It's only a place to store things; it might as well be a locker in the bus station. This group will never have a team capable of taking an item of power, assuming that they ever enable that part of the game; let alone defending it; the first attackers would find a base with one, maybe 2 defenders at most. easy pickings, no matter who defends- no villain will be able to hold off a determined group of heroes, because the game is weighted that way.

I guess i ask too much; my expectations are unrealistic and cause problems for everyone I am around. Since I'm this much of a disruption; I don't want to be a leader anymore- my decisions are always wrong and unpopular. I don't even dare to pass it on, since it wasn't mine to begin with.

So; I'm not going to leave the SG- I have more prestige in than anyone will ever get; no one will pass me up. I might have 3 50s; they wont bother you. I'm going to stop writing this waste of time, and if I appear in-game I'll be out of everyone's way. It's about time to start looking for a new game anyway.


Sunday, June 10, 2007

Teamspeak, new toons, etc...

We've gone back on Teamspeak!

If you didn't know, teamspeak is a voice program that can run with few system resources, right along with City of Heroes/Villains. You use your microphone and headset or speakers adn anyone else on the channel can speak with you; even beyond the 8-person team limit. It also allows you to plot stategy while your toon is zoning; or if you dc or freeze up you can let everyone know. And you can finally hear the voices of your teammates, answering long-held mysteries.

To download the client program use

Start the program and choose the connection tab. You will see an option for "quick connect"; use that.

In the server line, use this address:

In the name line, choose a unique name, preferably one everyone else can recognize.

Make a password for youself, and write it down.

Then you connect. When you've done it right, a voice will tell you that you're on by saying "new player". Search the list for the channel marked "evil shadow knights"; sometimes with a "the".

Right click on the channel and choose "switch to channel"

a password dialog box pops up, the PW is bartemos

If you dont see the esk channel, you can start it yourself. Choose create channel, and put the information for the channel name and password in that box.

New toons: Welcome to both the new and experienced players who have joined the Knights. Remember that there are plenty of IOs for you to use in the base; if you don't see what you need ask Nuke Radiant to make it for you.

See you out there!