Friday, April 27, 2007

Comic book is ready

Yes, you can see the comic book I am entering in the contest.

It's here.

Tell me what you think.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Group missions

I'd like to propose a time for group missions, like the Silver Mantis SF for one, to be held so that more people can join the mission. What night of the week, or weekend time, is the best for you? Post here and let everyone know.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Snow in April

...and a general sense of discontent because it's too damn cold outside.

I haven't posted anything in a while, because frankly, who is really reading this?

We have a SG ranked number 75 out of 669 groups, but no one is interested in any structure? We're bigger than a lot of groups that hold regular meetings and missions. There should be enough of us to mount a defense if our base is ever raided. (Never mind the glitches in THAT system.)

I need suggestions from you. What do I do? I've asked people individually, and the answer is almost always a variation of "help me finish this difficult mission." When we do try to team up, it falls to me to try to arrange the group so that everyone gets xp; you would think that others would be more helpful. If we were a true villain group it would be long past the time to make heads roll.

I'm not interested in training toons to go out and start a SG on their own; if you want a professional PL service you go somewhere else and buy one. the only reason I have for keeping many people on the rolls is simple- if they make another adjustment based on the number of SG members, like when they gave us 20,000 per member, I want to get all that we can- just in order to stay up there with the active SGs.

Oh well, at least my family has a place to go. Show some respect and initiative and it's your house too. Fail to do so and you may find yourself out there, looking for a new home.